Women-in-Finance Event

It is our pleasure to host the German Finance Association’s third Women-in-Finance Event at the annual meeting in Aachen and we cordially invite all female finance researchers to participate.  

This event on Thursday, 26th September 2024, provides female finance researchers with the opportunity to meet, network, share common issues, and listen to inspiring experiences of accomplished female role models.

The event takes place on the premises of the RWTH Aachen University in the SemiTemp building, Schinkelstraße 15, 52062 Aachen, except for the keynote speech of Mila Getmansky Sherman that will take place in the Main Building (Hauptgebäude), Templergraben 55, 52062 Aachen

Participants interested in attending the Women-in-Finance Event are required to submit the specified information through the Conftool during the registration process for the conference.

We acknowledge financial support from the Academic Female Finance Committee of the American Finance Association (AFFECT).

We are delighted that Mila Getmansky Sherman, Fuller and Meehan Endowed Professor of Finance at the Isenberg School of Management, University of Massachusetts Amherst, will be delivering a keynote speech on the issue of women in finance. This keynote speech is open to all conference participants. We eagerly anticipate your attendance!

Mila Getmansky Sherman

Professor Mila Getmansky Sherman is a Fuller and Meehan Endowed Professor of Finance at the Isenberg School of Management at UMass Amherst. She obtained her Ph.D. from the Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Her work was published in the most recognized finance journals, such as the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial Economics, and the Review of Financial Studies and her contributions have earned her numerous awards for excellence in both teaching and research. Her diverse research interests span empirical asset pricing, hedge funds, systemic risk, and gender in finance. Furthermore, she is a committee member of the Academic Female Finance Committee (AFFECT), a constituent body of the American Finance Association (AFA) dedicated to advancing gender equality in finance academia.  

Call for Early-Stage Research Presentations

In this workshop, female doctoral candidates present their research ideas or projects at an early stage ("Early-Stage Research") and receive feedback from accomplished female researchers and other participants. Prof. Nicole Branger (University of Muenster), Prof. Christine Laudenbach (Goethe University), and Prof. Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi (University of Mannheim) will lead this year’s workshop. 

The aim is to provide PhD students with the opportunity to present and discuss ideas that are not yet mature enough for submission to this year’s main conference, with the hope that these ideas will develop into full research papers.

Young female researchers are invited to submit a short abstract, between half a page and one page, by August 31st. Submissions should be in PDF format and sent to annabelle.broestl@uni.mannheim.de. Abstract submissions are reviewed on a rolling basis.

We look forward to welcoming you in Aachen! 


Annabelle Bröstl, Larissa Ginzinger, Sophia Koch, Leah Zimmerer, and the DGF 2024 Organizing Committee